Restauración Ambiental

Environmental rehabilitation of Azarbe Mayor

Descripción de las obrasEstado:

The action includes the construction of a circular reinforced concrete underground pipeline of between 1.50 and 1.20 m in diameter, extending from the WWTP of Murcia-East to Azarbe Mayor, running through the area of ​​Rincón de San Antón, the hamlet of Llano de Brujas and the site of Cabecicos until reaching Azarbe. With these actions the Town Council of Murcia intends to help farmers from Azarbe Mayor to have treated water from the waste water treatment plant of Rincón de San Antón to irrigate their crops

Work received, delivered and in use.


Environmental recovery Archena as it passes through the town centre of Archena

Descripción de las obrasEstado:

Con la presente actuación se pretende integrar el cauce del Segura a su paso por la localidad de Archena dentro del entorno urbano, posibilitando el uso recreativo del espacio fluvial. La actuación incluye la construcción de un paseo sobre la mota del río Segura, en la margen derecha a lo largo de unos 2 km que se inicia a la altura del azud de Iberdrola y termina en las inmediaciones de la actual EDAR de Archena.

Obra recibida, entregada y en uso.


T.M. Ceutí - Completion of environmental recovery of the Segura between Ojós and Contraparada

Descripción de las obrasEstado:

The purpose of the action is the environmental recovery of the stretch of the river Segura within the municipality of Ceutí. This stretch of the river Segura is quite degraded mainly due to pollution and manipulation by man.


Works completed


Completion of environmental recovery of the Segura between Ojós and Contraparada. T.M. Lorquí

Descripción de las obrasEstado:

The purpose of the action is the environmental recovery of the stretch of the river Segura within the municipality of Lorquí. This stretch of the river Segura is quite degraded mainly due to pollution and manipulation by man.


Works completed.


T.M. Torres de Cotillas - Completion of environmental recovery of the Segura between Ojós and Contraparada.

Descripción de las obrasEstado:

The purpose of the action is the environmental recovery of the stretch of the river Segura within the municipality of Las Torres de Cotillas. This area is quite degraded mainly due to pollution and manipulation by man.


Works completed.


T.M. Molina del Segura - Completion of environmental recovery of the Segura between Ojós and Contraparada

Descripción de las obrasEstado:

The purpose of the action is the environmental recovery of the stretch of river Segura within the municipality of Molina de Segura. This stretch of the river Segura is quite degraded mainly due to pollution and manipulation by man.


Work completed.


Completion of environmental recovery of the Segura between Ojós and Contraparada. T.M. Alguazas

Descripción de las obrasEstado:

The action aims to environmentally recover the stretch of the river Segura within the municipality of Alguazas. This stretch of the river Segura is quite degraded mainly due to pollution and manipulation by man.

Furthermore, it takes into account the functionality of the works so that not only one zone is recovered but sustainable uses are also promoted, whether recreational, such as fishing, walking or other sports; teaching, such as observation points for riverside species; and conservationist, as part of minimising the potential impacts of other activities.


Elimination of chemical contamination from the Flix reservoir 1st stage

Descripción de las obrasEstado:

Flix Reservoir retains a lot of sludge in its basin that originated from historical discharges from the chemical activity and changes in the fluvial dynamics of the river through the construction of the Mequinensa, Ribarroja and Flix dams. The main objective of the action is to reduce the inherent risk in the accumulation of contaminated waste in the Flix reservoir by its disposal. For this planning has been carried out to extract, process, transport and dispose the waste accumulated in the basin into a controlled deposit.


The work is in progress.


Programme to implement a network of environmental indicators of the Ebro Delta

Descripción de las obrasEstado:

Chapter seven of the Action Plan for the Protection of the Ebro Delta includes the creation a network of environmental indicators. The action is to implement a network of environmental checkpoint indicators to monitor the flow of water to get to know the water status and its future evolution. It also includes the installation of a control centre and a laboratory for chemical and ecological analysis. This monitoring will allow predictions of the evolution of the state of the Ebro Delta to be set up.


Construction of a coastal protection and settling wetlands (Tarragona)

Descripción de las obrasEstado:

There are two types of water infrastructure in the Ebro Delta, irrigation channels, which supply the crop fields, and the network of drains, which collect the water from the fields and carry the run-off during rainfall. When the water level in the drainage ditches is below the sea level, it is pumped to the bays, arriving laden with sludge, nutrients, plant components and other contaminants, resulting in a deterioration of the ecological status of the bays .

