Horta de Sant Joan WWTP (Tarragona)

Sanitation programme for urban waste water (PSARU 2002) in the Ebro basin 1st stage
Scope of action: Cuenca Hidrográfica del Ebro
Total investments: 3,100,000 €

Description of worksState: Works completed and received

The town of Horta de Sant Joan, in the province of Tarragona, does not have waste water treatment system, since the waste water treatment plant is out of service, causing dumping of untreated discharges into ravines of Vilans and Les Vinyasses, tributaries of the river Algars. The action involves the construction of a new waste water treatment plant capable of treating an average flow of 756 m3/day of waste water and construction of collectors required to address dumping in the ravines indicated above.

Works completed.