WWTP and collectors of Termens and Menarguens (Lleida)

Sanitation programme for urban waste water (PSARU 2002) in the Ebro basin 1st stage
Scope of action: Cuenca Hidrográfica del Ebro
Total investments: 2,800,000 €

Description of worksState: Finalizada

The town centre of Térmens, in the province of Lleida, currently has a sewer network that is not in use and a sanitation infrastructure to make contributions to irrigation water, which discharges with no treatment directly to the river Segre. Furthermore the town of Menarguens near to Térmens, currently has a collector that collects waste water from the town to which various irrigation branches are incorporated, and as in the case above, the water is discharged into the river Segre without any treatment . The action involves the construction of a new waste water treatment plant capable of treating an average flow of 1,069 m3/day from the two towns and the construction of facilities associated with the treatment system (high level collectors to be commissioned in both municipalities, pumping station in Térmens, outlet collector from the waste water the treatment plant until the discharge is obtained into public water).

Works completed.